
Popping Cores

Core Drilling on a Saturday

Inside the Core

Hydraulic Core Drilling

Downtown Miami

Some Handsawing through Column

Carlito helping out

Some Chainsawing through Beams

Drawing on the wall with a Chainsaw

A Work of art

Handsawing Beams

Cutting Squares on Beams

Artistic Concrete Cutting

My 20 Ready

The Set Up

Meanwhile in Gables


Concrete Cutting

Concrete Connection Services

Homemade waffles and eggs for sundaymorning breakfast

Professional Concrete Cutting


Cutting Trenches

Cutting Concrete in West Ft Lauderdale

Track Saw Ready

Miami Beach

Core Drilling at Miami Beach

Some hand held core drilling

Core Drilling

Monster Lift

Concrete Cutting in South Florida

Job Complete

Carlitos Way

Concrete Cutting

Running a 24 inch for a 10 inch thick shear wall

Some Chainsawing

Some Handsawing at Ft. Lauderdale Beach

Second floor demolition

Beast Mode

Nice and Clean

Cut Pop and Remove

Cutting Trenches

Cutting Beams

Relief Cut

Cutting Beams

The Mission

Mansion in Gables

In Gables

Window Openings in a Residence


Plenty of Wall Cutting